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Praxis: North Carolina: Test Requirements
Once you know your test(s), find out how to register for Praxis™ tests and . Special Education: Cross Categorical, Special Education: Core Knowledge and .

ETS :: Praxis TAAG :: Education of Exceptional Students Core ...
Descriptions of each of the content areas covered by the test are provided below. . due process guidelines; categorical, non-categorical, and cross-categorical .

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For: All General Education Majors The beginning (preservice ...
MoSTEP Selected SPED Cross-Categorical Education Competencies . CROSS-CATEGORICAL COMPETENCIES (CAT) . Praxis: see designated test .

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Educator Certification
Mar 22, 2012 . TO ADD AN AREA BY TEST: If you took the Praxis Exam in Missouri, you do not need to . *Mild-Moderate: Cross Categorical Disabilities K-12 .

iiicensurej program i_:al-te anti pass the specific Praxis 11: Subject Assessments listed in the chart below . Tiie Following chart identifies the Praxis II tests required for certifications ol"fered at llW-La. Crosse. . Cross Categorical. ;F.'.IeaF or .

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Testing Requirements
Special Education. AEPA Elementary #01 AND Cross Categorical #22. OR. Praxis Elementary 0014 OR Elementary 5014 AND Special Education 0354 .

Degree Requirements
Candidates must also pass the PRAXIS I [PPST] exam. Portfolio . ED 615 – Cross Categorical Assessment and Evaluation in Special Needs; ED 616 – Cross .

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Master of Science in Education - Special Education
Students must pass the PRAXIS II test in Special Education, Cross Categorical for Early Childhood or Elementary prior to receipt of Special Education Licensure.

Licensure to Master's in Cross-Categorical Special Education
Cross-Categorical Special Education designed to answer a growing need for . they must successfully complete the Praxis I (Pre-Professional Skills Test [PPST]) .

D'Vine Cyber Lounge, Miami Beach

Praxis II, Southeast Missouri State University
Why is the Praxis II Exam important? . Special Education: Mild/Moderate Cross- Categorical Disabilities (K-12), Special . The Web site for the Praxis test at ETS.

Visually Impaired Certification Programs - Teacher Certification ...
Jun 3, 2011. level VI coursework online through Missouri State University and must complete the Praxis II exam for Cross Categorical Special Education (* .

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Praxis II: Subject Assessments
Praxis II: Subject Assessments. Aligned to . Note: Cntrl/Click on any Test Code in the chart below to view the ETS Test At A Glance (pdf). . Cross Categorical .

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Testing Requirements
The Praxis Series is the standard test requirement for licensing in North Carolina. Some 1. 1 licensure . H *Cross Categorical S8001 0511 ' 148. 0 ' __t 0 0 0 Ti .